Our Classroom Website


Hey yall! I'm Ms. McGuire. Really quickly, this is a quick page to help you and your parent connect with me when you need to. I'll be creating a schedule soon so you can make an appointment to meet with me for any additional asistance, tutoring, or feedback.

I know this year, without any other way to put it, is just weird. It's weird for us all, so we can get through this together. Thats the goal for me. Lets get through this together, learn together,advance together, and adapt together. This time life gave us apples instead of lemons, the point is... we still got the juice.

Stay tuned as I update this page!



Supply List

1. Notebook (Computer Science Notes Only)

2. Writing Utensil

3. Chromebook

4. Chromebook Charger

5. Internet


Love You Lots!

Ms. McGuire